DA' HELL HAPPENED #64: WWE SmackDown LIVE - September 26, 2017

Hey guys and welcome to yet another edition of the "Da' Hell Happened" with the review of SmackDown LIVE. This week, the blue brand's spotlight went to the storyline between Kevin Owens and Shane McMahon, which will culminate at Hell In A Cell on October 8th. It was also announced a series of matches for the PPV, including Bobby Roode vs. Dolph Ziggler, Randy Orton vs. Rusev and AJ Styles vs. Baron Corbin for the United States Championship. The New Day vs. The Usos for the SmackDown Tag Team Championship is now a Hell In A Cell match. So let's see what happened this week!

MATCH OF THE NIGHT: Kevin Owens vs. Sami Zayn

I don't care what show it is, how many big superstars are there, how talented they are. If Kevin Owens vs. Sami Zayn is on the card of that show, it will be the match of the night, period. It felt short for a match that has such a story behind it, but it was enough to catapult Kevin Owens into the status as the most dangerous man on the SmackDown LIVE roster, and also gave people a reason to love Sami Zayn even more.

It's sad everyone (including me) said being drafted to SmackDown LIVE was the "solution" to all Sami Zayn's problems with his career, and him not having one single championship in his WWE tenure, but like he said we need to be patient and when the time comes he will take the most of it, for sure.


Like I said, Kevin Owens was catapulted into the status as the most dangerous man on the SmackDown LIVE roster. After attacking Vince McMahon two weeks ago, and responding to Shane by appearing at the beginning of the show, claiming he was no coward last week for not showing up and challenging Shane McMahon to come up to the ring, Owens viciously attacked Sami Zayn before shoving him to Shane with a steel chair wrapped around his neck.

If I believe, this is the Kevin Owens I was begging to see as Universal Champion, and it was the Owens we got at the end of his reign. That "monster" is back, and if he beats Shane McMahon at Hell In A Cell, he is the right man to be the next WWE Champion.

DA' HELL HAPPENED MOMENT OF THE SHOW: Isn't Aiden English American????

This week, Rusev held a "Pride of Bulgaria Celebration". After defeating Randy Orton in 9 seconds with a "little" help of Aiden English, the "Bulgarian Brute" claimed he was a national hero, and received the key to the city of Plovdiv, Bulgaria, by the mayor of his hometown.

Before the celebration begun, Aiden English sang the Bulgarian national anthem. In terms of storyline, it is logical, but English is from Chicago, Illinois, like it says in his WWE.com profile. I'm Portuguese and I will never sing any other national anthem, even if I'm paid to.

And with this edition of the "Da' Hell Happened" I end this week's editions. I will be back on Tuesday for RAW. In the meantime, check out our blog for more info, recent news and more. Thanks for reading and I will see you next week!

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